Organizing amenities for people with disabilities and people of all ages A case study on Chandra Palace Historical Center, Phitsanulok Province

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ฐาปนีย์ พันธุ์เพชร


Chandra Palace Historical Center is an important place to gather historical knowledge of Phitsanulok, history of Chandra Palace and history of King Naresuan the Great. Everyone should be comfortable and able to equally visit various exhibitions within Chandra Palace Historical Center. Therefore, organizing amenities for people with disabilities and people of all ages is important. The objective of this research was to study, explore, and evaluate the present condition of the Chandra Palace Historical Center as to explore whether there are an environment and amenities for people with disabilities and people of all ages. The approach to arranging appropriate environment and the amenities would then be recommended further. The research method consists of 5 procedures as follows: 1) The study on and collection of data from relevant laws and researches; 2) The construction of tools to be used for surveying; 3) Conducting the surveys and evaluation; 4) Data analysis; 5) Concluding and presenting the study results. From the results of the study, it was found that the environment and amenities for people with disabilities and people of all ages were in accordance with 9 categories of legal requirements. Improved parts will be the subject of further modifications, and to improve the environment and facilities to meet. Improved parts include stairs that need to be resized, threads and risers, which may be required to be rebuilt and rebuilt. It does not offer any improvement. The only way to get people to use the entrance to a nearby building instead. The three categories of exhibits are classified as follows, including routing, routing and fire escape, but some details are missing. Other items have also not yet been set. If the items are arranged to meet the legal requirements, this will allow everyone to comfortably use the building.

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