Attitudes Towards Changes in Scenic from Chao Phraya Riverfront Extension Project: Temple and Historic Monument Area

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ภัทร พลศิริ
รุจิโรจน์ อนามบุตร


This research was conducted to examine people’s attitude towards the changes in riverfront landscape of Chao Phraya River due to the future waterfront area extension. It aims to understand what people think is the proper riverfront extension development. To find this out, 4 simulations of riverfront extension were created in different places, including ancient temples and historic sites. There are 4 steps in the study which are studying previous theories and related thesis, analyzing ancient temples and historic sites background information, creating simulate photo-questionnaire for interview by using photo montage technique, and collecting and Analyzing data. This research was conducted to examine people’s attitude towards the changes in riverfront landscape of Chao Phraya River due to the future waterfront area extension. It aims to understand what people think is the proper riverfront extension development. To find this out, 4 simulations of riverfront extension were created in different places, including ancient temples and historic sites. There are 4 steps in the study which are studying previous theories and related thesis, analyzing ancient temples and historic sites background information, creating simulate photo-questionnaire for interview by using photo montage technique, and collecting and Analyzing data.  According to the results, people’s attitude towards the changes in Chao Phraya riverfront extension relates to three factors. The main factor is the present physical condition, historic and architectural value of the scene depicted by the pictures. Another factor is the design of the riverfront extension which can be divided into 3 aspects: a) Level of walkway and its material, dam’s edge level, and structure, b) The width of the extended area, c) The accessibility of the walkway to the existing river edge. Lastly, the least-related factor is the respondent backgrounds; each of the respondents has its level of favors, acknowledgment and the best suitability for the current environment. Moreover, the research found out that the most undesirable opinion falls on the over-width of the river extension. Finally this research can be used for further study which may provide more in-depth details in order to develop the design for the river extension in the future.

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