Architectural Writing Classroom Research: Ban Plainern Living Archive

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ม.ล.จิตตวดี จิตรพงศ์


This article is a part of classroom “active learning” policy initiated by the Learning Innovation Centre of Chulalongkorn University. The objective is to document and to publish the works of i+mARCH students, Master of Architecture in Architectural Design (International Program) who took the course entitled 2501644 Architectural Writing during the academic years 2013-2016. This research is carried out for five reasons. 1. To supplement the policy of Chulalongkorn University that promotes active learning of the students and the professors with “Teach Less, Learn More” dictum. Chulalongkorn University realises that eagerness to learn and to think critically are parts of life-long learning process. The timeline to complete this research is four academic years. We organised a series of workshop for i+mARCH students with participants from Thai, American, Taiwanese, French (from Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines University and Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris-Belleville) and Belgian students. 2. To develop the writing skill of the students since the Faculty of Architecture tends to lack writing courses. 3. To build a connection between students and professionals in architecture and related fields. 4. The aim of the workshop “Living Archives” was to overlap historical traditions with functions that make sense for the present day. Students were asked to advance proposals for Ban Plainern, a historic site in Bangkok of multiple significances: as monument to a national artist and intellectual; as a contemporary residential complex; and as an expanding arts institution. The proposals were asked to incorporate the past, present and future and to consider both the spatial and programmatic objectives of the site. 5. This document is a basis for constructing a design proposal entitled “Ban Plainern Living Archive” submitted to 13 heirs and heiresses of Prince Naris on 8 July 2017. The result of the meeting was successful. Members of Ban Plainern are wishing for the realisation of the project.

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