Identity of St.Paul Church Community

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ศิริวรรณ ศิลาพัชรนันท์
วันชัย มงคลประดิษฐ


Catholic communities were settled by Bishop Jean-Baptise Pallegoix, head of the Roman Catholic mission of Siam, during the reign of king Rama III. During that time, France had been colonizing parts of Southeast Asia. People from neighboring countries came to settle in Siam. The 1856 treaty with the French government during the reign of King Rama IV allowed the French missionary to disseminate their religious teaching in Siam including the Bang Pakong river, especially Patriew. These Roman Catholic communities have their own architectural identities and other interesting features. These identities and features are worth conservation. This study aims to investigate: 1) the architectural characteristics and the Roman Catholic communities; and 2) the identities of the Roman Catholic communities.

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