A Historical and Architectural Study of Buddhist Temples on the East Coast of Thailand, from the Ayutthaya to the Reign of King Rama V in the Rattanakosin Period

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ศุภวัฒน์ หิรัญธนวิวัฒน์


This paper is based on a research entitled “A Historical Research on The East Coast of Thailand, for Architectural Study on Buddhist Temples”. This study examines both historical and architectural aspects of Buddhists temples in four provinces on the east coast of Thailand, which include Chonburi, Rayong, Chanthaburi and Trat, covering the historical time from the Ayutthayan period to the reign of King Rama V in the Rattanakosin period. The purpose of this study is to examine local histories and historical events, ethnic groups, migrations and settlements in the areas. The study also aims to examine the location of Buddhist temples, the periodization of Buddhist temples construction, and the architectural styles of other significant buildings within the temple areas. This study demonstrates that local characteristics of communities on the east coast of Thailand are a result of migration and diversity of ethnic groups in the region. Therefore, cultural diversity that derives from such migration and diversity of ethnic groups led to the formation of unique of art and architectural identities in the areas. According to the research findings, Buddhist temples built in the study period are mostly located in coastal areas. Their unique architectural styles are local to the east coast of Thailand, and Chinese influence on architectural decoration is evident.

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