Potential Surface Analysis for Wiang Phrao Subdistrict Municipality, Chiang Mai
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The objectives of this research were to analyze the appropriate potential of an area to support the expansion of an urban community and to analyze the potential accessibility to the area of the circulation network of Wiang Phrao Subdistrict Municipality in Chiang Mai Province. It was undertaken using the theory and technique of space syntax, geographic information system, potential surface analysis, field surveying, and document analysis.
The results showed that the Wiang Phrao Subdistrict Municipality has the potential to support the expansion of an urban community for residential areas. It is an area extended from an original community along Rop Wiang Road to the surrounding areas. As for the commercial areas, they are appropriate for along the main highway 1105 (Ping Khong-Wiang Phrao) in the east-west and along highway no.1001 (Kheun Petch Road) in the South. The potential accessibility indexes to the areas of the circulation network along the aforementioned roads are 0.25084 and 0.31138, respectively. Factors making the areas appropriate are the density of transportation, the density of the circulation network, the convenience of the road network to the activities and infrastructure and the connection with urban development areas due to some important factors such as soil competence, Saluam River, and a public ditch flowing through the communities. The appropriate potential should be considered for urban planning in order to balance the area of Wiang Phrao Subdistrict Municipality in the future.
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