Relationship between the Spatial Potentiality of Access and Visibility and the Pattern of Crime Against Property in Public Spaces, Yaowarat - Sampheng District, Bangkok

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Busaya Putthain


The objective of this article was to study the relationship between the spatial potentiality of access and visibility and the pattern of crime against property in the public spaces of the district in order to explain the phenomena and characteristics of crime in public spaces networks within the district by analysing the potential of access and visibility of the study area with morphological tools and techniques called Space Syntax. This article aimed to study the spatial aspects of crime against property in Yaowarat -Sampheng District. The district is a unique inner city commercial area with high economic value in Bangkok. The area is under the responsibility of Chakrawat Police Station and Phlapphla Chai II police stations. The statistics of crime against property in 2007–2018 (12 years) included 1,101 cases (Royal Thai Police, 2019) with most occurring in public spaces, and were primarily comprised of pick pocketing and theft. The study area is experiencing an extensive situation of crime of up to 188 cases ubiquitously and is considered to have high crime because it consists largely of public spaces, and because the spatial pattern of the area is an important commercial district in the city.

The study outcome showed that crime against property usually occurs on the main and secondary roads (commercial roads) within the district inclding Yaowarat Road, Ratchawong Road, and Soi Wanich I. These have high potential for access and visibility. The number of crimes there are up to 135 cases, or 71.8 percent, of all crimes against property and commonly happen near the intersections. It can be said the high crime vulnerability areas are those that are easily accessible, experience common traffic jams and are close to the intersection because the area allows criminals to hide among people while others are focused on activities and are not being particularly careful. Furthermore, criminals can use the intersection to easily escape from the scene.

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