Relationships Between The Use Of Ong-Ang Canal Promenade and Its Surrounding Neighbourhoods

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Surak Khunthong
Sineenart Sukolratanametee


This is a study about the relation of the Ong-Ang Canal promenade area utilization and surrounding communities; moreover, this research aims 1) to study the relationships between the use of Ong-Ang Canal promenade and its surrounding neighborhoods in terms of its physical components and users’ behaviours, and 2) to suggest improvements for further developments to help promote relationships between the public space and its surrounding neighbourhoods. The research included a survey of the open space’s physical environment and a questionnaire related thereto. The questionnaire respondents consisted of the open space users and tenants of the surrounding neighborhoods.

The research result found that the relation of the surrounding communities and the Ong-Ang Canal’s  promenade area utilization draws heavily from trading activities which creates a social relationship between people in the communities and the areas’ users, Additionally, the factors which cause the problems of the promenade areas are the lacks a adequate access and connection to other areas, shortfalls when it comes to meeting the needs of users, and poor management of the area. Apart from the aforementioned factors, the factors of the population and the community’s distance in summary affect the users’ attitudes and feelings as well. Those in communities in close proximity of the promenade area tend to use the area frequently; therefore, they have a closer relationshipo to the open area than the users who come from further away communities.

The research recommendations include 1) improving accessibility and connection network within the open space, streets, pedestrian routes, and activity areas; 2) adding appropriate areas to promote activities of all users of all age groups and purposes; and 3) improving the physical environment to promote safety, sound facilities, and aesthetics.

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