Livable City - Destination City: Difference in Urban Landscape Preferences between Residents and Tourists

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Willaya Song-im


Urban landscape is an important part of human perception in everyday life and has some effect on human emotions. City administrator tried to make city a pleasant place, both as a livable city and as a tourist destination. However, the visual aesthetic of urban landscape has not been fully understood. For example, city residents and tourists may prefer different characteristic of the city.  This paper is not a research article. The objective of this paper is to propose an idea based on “Environmental preference theory” (Kaplan 1987) about visual aesthetic of urban landscape which different groups of people satisfy. The review of literatures, recent studies and research found that visual qualities of urban landscape which people prefer are different which may due to different situations in which people interact with urban environment, for instance, living and travelling. Further research are required to find the balance among key factors of urban landscape preference; namely Understanding (coherence and legibility) and Exploration (complexity and mystery), that strengthen to the preference of each group.

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