Teaching Model of Cost Estimation for Interior Design with the Computational Thinking of Introduction to Cost Estimation Course for Students in Interior Architecture

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Kotchaphorn Wongsanao


This research article is a component of the research study, “Guidelines for Estimating the Cost of Interior Design by Building Information Modeling and Developing as an Educational Product”.  The purpose of this research article is to explore students’ knowledge and understanding in the Introduction to Cost Estimation Course, department of interior architecture, faculty of architecture, Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi. This is the foundation before the implementation of building information modeling. Research results it can be concluded that the teaching model of cost estimation for interior design with the computational thinking, there are 5 steps in interior design cost estimation, step 1 separation of components, step 2 division of steps, step 3 pattern recognition, step 4 abstraction, and step 5 algorithm. In which this teaching model appears that the level of interest and understanding of cost estimation from all samples was moderate (X = 3.04), with the results of research showing that the teaching model was effective in use. Research recommendations, which are moderately effective, are satisfactory. But there should be additional teaching models to be developed at a high level. Therefore, the researcher recommends conducting research in cost estimation, interior design works together with building information modeling, which is a concept of
technology in architecture. In addition, the researcher recommends studying other teaching models to enhance students’ knowledge and understanding more effectively.

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