Architectural Design of Phra Phrombhichitr (Ou Labhanonda): Physical Manifestation of the Nationalist Ideology 1932 – 1947

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Phuwadon Phusiri


This article aims to analyze the role of Thai architecture under the nationalist ideology of the government after the Siamese Revolution of 1932 through an analysis of architectural drawings, documents, and built projects by Phra Phrombhichitr (Ou Labhanonda), and secondary source and the nationalist ideology of the People's Party during the government of Field Marshal Plaek Phibulsongkhram during 1932-1947 A.D.


This research reveals the role of Phra Phrombhichitr’s Thai architecture, which express as the national arts of a rich civilization, and as a tool to enhance morals for people under the concept of Buddhism as the identity of Thai people. Representative by the importance of the origin of the project, building location, architectural style, and architectural decorative elements, including the concept of the architectural design of Phra Phrombhichitr, which creates a new explanation for Thai architecture, emphasizing the relation of symbolic meaning to nation and Buddhism.

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Academic Article


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