The Development of Chinese Cemeteries in Indochinese Peninsula and the Malay Archipelago

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Supanut Arunoprayote
Vipakorn Thumwimol


Chinese cemeteries, defined as a cultural heritage and a cultural landscape, represent human settlement and patrimony of traditions and beliefs ​​of the immigrant Chinese in Southeast Asia. This article presents the studies of overseas Chinese cemeteries from the past to the present in physical forms and related beliefs, their developments, including an analysis of current cemeteries and their roles in the future. Results from collection and analysis, the cemeteries were classified into three periods according to their characteristics and other social aspects. Elements affecting the physical form of both historic and modern cemeteries and their treatments are usages, values or beliefs, and socio-economic factors. The results also indicate the future trends of cemeteries are as follows: first, retain the original role of preserving the human remains; second, adjust physical changes to suit the socio-economic conditions; third, support new functions as a park, a learning resources, and cultural heritage; otherwise, they are at risk of being demolished.

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