A Development of the Writing Instructional Model Based on Blended and Self-Directed Learning to Promote EFL University Students’ Writing Ability and Self-Directed Learning


  • Chuanpit Sriwichai School of Liberal Arts, Mae Fah Luang University
  • Bhornsawan Inpin School of Liberal Arts, Mae Fah Luang University


writing instructional model, blended learning, self-directed learning, writing ability


An inevitable feature of English language teaching (ELT) in 21st century is integration of online-based technology into classroom to improve language skills and enhance self-direction in English learning. This study, hence, aims to 1) develop the instructional model exploiting the concept of blended learning which combines face-to-face instruction and online learning modes and applying self-directed learning process to instructional procedures to promote writing ability and self-directed learning of EFL university students, and 2) examine the quality of the model. The researcher reviewed theoretical concepts related to the model development, studied teachers and students’ problems and opinions on teaching and learning EFL writing, synthesized three models for instructional design, then the present model was designed with nine phases. The model was evaluated the consistency of the components and the appropriateness of the components’ descriptions by nine experts in the related fields using IOC. The model component consistency was very high ( = 0.95), and the descriptions of model components were very appropriate ( = 0.88). Also, the pilot study was conducted and found that the scores of writing post-test and self-directed learning post-assessment were higher than pre-test, and the participants reflected in learning logs that they liked to learn in blended and SDL environment as they could gain more knowledge and realize their mistakes. They needed to be more responsible for their own learning, self-monitor their weaknesses in writing, and adjust their learning plan for the next unit.


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How to Cite

Sriwichai, C., & Inpin, B. (2018). A Development of the Writing Instructional Model Based on Blended and Self-Directed Learning to Promote EFL University Students’ Writing Ability and Self-Directed Learning. ASEAN Journal of Education, 4(1), 117–137. retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/AJE/article/view/180430



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