Author Guidelines

Downloadable Files

- Article templates

  • Research Article template | .docx
  • Review Article template | .docx

- Reference Guidelines | .pdf

Types of Articles

- Research Articles must not exceed 8,000 words, excluding citations.

- Review Articles must not exceed 10,000 words, excluding citations.

Authors must use the following format when composing their article:

1. Article Preparations

  • The article must be printed on standard A4 paper with the dimension of 19cm x 26.5cm. Top and left borders must be set at 3.5cm while bottom and right borders must be 2.5cm.
  • Font must be Times New Roman. The entire paper must comply with Microsoft Word file extensions and must follow the criteria below:
    • The title name must be Time Roman with 12 pt. font, bolded, positioned in the center of the page. The title must not exceed more than two lines of text.
    • Names of authors must be 9.5 pt. font, bolded, positioned in the center of the page; an asterisk (*) must proceed the name of the corresponding author when there is more than one author.
    • Organizations or affiliations must be 9.5 pt. font (not bolded), positioned in the center of the page below authors’ names. Superscript numbers must be placed behind authors’ surnames to identify the organizations/affiliations with their corresponding author.
    • “Abstract” heading must be 9.5 pt. font, bolded, positioned at the left margin beneath the authors’ addresses. The following abstract text must be 9 pt. font typed in a single paragraph. The first line must be indented 1 tab from the left margin.
    • “Keywords” heading must be 9 pt. font, bolded, positioned at the left margin below the abstract. Keywords must be 9 pt. font, separated with a comma (,) and a single space, and not exceed four in number.
    • A "Corresponding author" subsection must be 8 pt. font, bolded, positioned at the left margin below the "Keywords", with a border line in between. The corresponding autor's email must be 8 pt. font, bolded, positioned at the left margin in the next line.
    • Headings must be 9.5 pt. font, bolded, and positioned at the left margin.
    • Sub-headings must be 9 pt. font, bolded, and indented 1 tab (0.75 inches) from the left margin. The corresponding number of the sub-headings must precede the sub-heading’s title.
    • Body text must be 9 pt. font; the first sentence of each paragraph must be indented 1 tab from the left margin.
    • “References” heading must be 9.5 pt. font, bolded, and positioned at the left margin. Details for each entry must be 9 pt. font. Any lines after the first line must be indented 1 tab, and following the APA6 (American Psychological Association) citation format. 
  • The article must not exceed 15 pages; the manuscript should be approximately 6,000 to 8,000 words (excluding references).
  • The combined number of pictures, figures and tables should not exceed 5.

2. Organizational Structure of the Article:

The only language accepted in the journal is the English language. Clear and concise language should be used to avoid ambiguity; abbreviations must be accompanied with the complete word for the first in-text use. The sequence of the article must be as follows:

  1. Title Name: should be concise, comprehensible, must not exceed 100 words, or two lines.
  2. Authors’ Names: names must appear in the English language. Authors' names should be separated with commas. An asterisk (*) should be placed after the surname of the primary author. A numerical superscript should follow each author's surname to identify affiliated organizations.
  3. Affiliated Organizations: affiliated organizations should be placed beneath the list of authors. Each organization should have a numerical superscript that matches its cognate author.
  4. Abstract: abstracts should summarize the significance of the research. Abstracts should be clear, concise, and not exceed 250 words or 15 lines of text.
  5. Keywords: the “Keywords” section must proceed the abstract. Appropriate keywords facilitate easy access for other researchers.
  6. Introduction: provides the context for the research, including the history of the research and the reason for pursuing the current line of inquiry. Related research should be cited in order to provide adequate theories related to research. Research objectives and questions can be presented here to clarify the purpose of the research.
  7. Objective (s): describes the purpose(s) of the research.
  8. Literature review (if any): provides a summary or overview of the related documents such as study or research.
  9. Conceptual framework: represents relationship between variables or conceptualize the research.
  10. Methodology: describes research methods, sampling methods, research techniques and tools, data sources, data gathering techniques, and statistical and analytical methods.
  11. Results: this section should provide the results obtained from research in a clear and organized manner and may include the use of tables and charts. Tables should have no borders on left or right sides, table headings should not be bolded, text should only be black-colored. No more than five tables should be used to present results. 
  12. Discussion: conclusions should be presented using clear and concise language and be consistent with the data obtained. Discussions should indicate to what degree the research hypothesis is supported by the data. This research should also be compared to contemporary research to suggest whether it is consistent or divergent from the current body of knowledge. The author should provide directions for future research.
  13. Suggestions: this section should have two segments: suggestion(s) regarding the significance of the research and suggestion(s) regarding future research directions.
  14. References: should follow APA6 formatting guidelines and must not exceed 30 citations.

3. Submission Procedures

4. Article Assessment and Ownership

  1. All articles will undergo a formal peer-review process. A panel of experts from different affiliations will examine the article; approval from a minimum of two experts is required for publication. Revisions inqured by the experts must be completed by the researcher prior to publication.
  2. Once published in the Suan Dusit University research journal, the article becomes intellectual property of Suan Dusit University. Duplication, in full or part, requires permission from Suan Dusit University.
  3. Excluding errors incurred during printing, the author(s) is responsible for the content of their articles.

5. Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.