Peer Review Process

1. Submission
Author(s) submits the manuscript which fit the aims and scope of the journal and is formatted correctly according to the journal’s author guidelines. Manuscript submission is done through the ThaiJo system.

2. Initial Editorial Review
The Editor-in-Chief, along with at least two other members of the editorial board, screen the submitted manuscript. It must meet the aim and scope of the journal and have the correct format in order to pass this process, along with the plagiarism percentage not exceeding 25%. (Estimated process time: 7 days)

The author(s) reformats their manuscript if it is not formatted correctly. In cases of rejection, the author(s) must make the appropriate revisions to their manuscript before resubmitting.

If the manuscript passes this process, the editorial board selects a minimum of three reviewers with the relevant field(s) to review the submission. (Estimated process time: 14-21 days)

3. Peer Review
The selected reviewers evaluate the manuscripts and reach one of the following conclusions:
• Accept without revisions
• Accept with minor revisions
• Accept with major revisions
• Reject
The author(s) is notified of the reviewers’ decision via ThaiJo if revisions are required before the publication process. The peer review process is done through a double-blind system to ensure transparency throughout the entire review process. (Estimated process time: 21-30 days)

4. Revision
The author(s) revises the manuscript based on the reviewers’ evaluation (Estimated process time: 14-21 days)

5. Final Editorial Review
The manuscript evaluated with major revision is sent back to the peer review process by the same peer reviewers. (Estimated process time added: 14-21 days)

The Editorial board reviews the revised manuscript with the evaluation details provided by the author(s).

6. Editorial Decision
Upon the Editor-in-Chief's final decision, the author or authors receive a letter of acceptance. During this stage, the author may be contacted for more information and clarification. (Estimated process time: 3 days)

7. Copyediting and Artwork
The accepted manuscript is copyedited by the journal's office and sent to the journal’s printing house to be formatted for publishing. (Estimated process time: 7 days).

8. Proofreading and Final Adjustments
The formatted article is sent for proofreading and a draft of the formatted article is sent to the author(s) for approval. The article is published on the journal's website if no changes are required.

9. Publication
Author(s) is notified when the manuscript is published. The estimated process time from initial submission to publication: 3-4 months.