Peer Review Process

Reviewer process (AJE)

1. Initial screening

              Within this process, the editorial board will consider the manuscript. The editorial board will assess the article, determine whether it follows the aims and scope of the journal, and determine the degree of similarity. It should not be higher than 25%. The manuscript must be arranged appropriately in the journal’s format.

              The author(s) of the paper must make revisions before resubmitting it in the event that it is rejected throughout this procedure.

               The author(s) will be asked to modify and resubmit the manuscript if it is not properly formatted.

               If the paper makes it passed this stage, it will go through a peer review process. (1-3 days)

2. Reviewers assignment

              The editorial board will select 5–6 reviewers with experience in a related field. (1-3 days)

3. Peer review

              3 Reviewers will make suggestions and select one of the following revision options: 1) Accept 2) Minor Revision 3) Major Revision and 4) Reject. AJE adopted double-blind review to ensure transparency in this process. (14 days)

4. Decision on the manuscript

               The reviewers will select between 1Accept 2Minor Revision 3Major Revision and 4Reject. The author (swill be provided with suggestions from reviewers to revise the manuscript. The process is done via a double-blinded review system to ensure transparency. (14 days)

              The editorial board will decide on between two levels of correction: 1) accept 2) minor revision 3) major revision and 4) reject. The author (swill be informed via ThaiJo. (14 days).

5. Revision

              The revised manuscript will be checked by the editorial board. The editorial board will consider the revision details provided by the author(s). 

               In cases of Minor Revisions, the editorial board will check whether or not the revision is complete, and then the editor in chief will make a final decision and issue a letter of acceptance. (7 days)

               In the case of a Minor Revision, the editorial board will check the completion of the revision and make a final decision. If the revision is complete, the editor in chief will issue a letter of acceptance. (7 days)

              In cases of Major Revision, after the first round of revision, the manuscript will undergo a second round of peer review by the same or new reviewers.  (14 days)

6. Publication

            The accepted manuscript will be formatted by the publisher. (7 days) The draft of the article will be verified again by the author. (7 days) If there is no further revision required, the article will be published on the journal’s website. (7 days)