Development of Work-Based Learning Skills Bank to Enhance Learning and Innovation Skills on Early Childhood Education for Caregivers
Caregiver, Work-based learning skills bank, Early childhood education (ECE)Abstract
This study aims to develop work-based learning skills bank to enhance learning skills and innovation in Early Childhood Education (ECE) among the caregivers under the Department of Local Administration. It focuses on shaping the direction of caregiver’s development according to the existing environment. A caregiver means a person taking care of children aged 2-5 in their local area at daycare center under the Department of Local Administration. The study includes the analysis which is drawn from the Confirm Factor Analysis (CFA) to determine the factors of work-based learning skills bank. The sample group comprises of 10 experts in ECE and technology, and 1,467 caregivers which were selected from a total population of 46,673 through multi-stage sampling. The qualitative data was collected from the experts by the semi-structured interview, and content analysis. Then, the questionnaire on Work-Based Learning Behavior was used to acquire the quantitative data from the caregivers with reliability 0.945. according to the first order confirmatory factor analysis. The study found five factors of work-based learning skills including (1) technology, (2) knowledge, (3) learning activities, (4) outcome analysis and evaluation, and (5) work. The results showed that each factor had its key indicator and each one has resonated with the empirical evidence according to the Goodness of Fit Index (GFI). The GFI revealed that the chi-squired value of 0.04 and relative chi-squared value of 0.04. The standardized factor loading of each factor and factor indicator ranged between 0.756-0.936 and 0.436-0.936, respectively.
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