Personnel’s Motives for Their Duty Performance at Tambon That Administrative Organization in Ratana Buri district, Surin Province

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สุพรรษ บรรพบุตร
รองศาสตราจารย์อุดม พิริยสิงห์


                  The Objectives of the research article were to 1) study personnel’s motives for their duty performance at Tambon That Administrative Organization in Surin province’s Ratana Buri district, 2) to compare their motives as such with their different variables of genders, ages, educational levels, and durations of official services, 3) examine their suggestions as guidelines on reinforcing motives for their duty performance at their administrative organization. The sampling groups used for conducting the research included authorities working at their administrative organization and civil volunteers for disaster mitigation, tallying 121 respondents. The instrument used for the research was the five-rating scale questionnaire with the reliability at .89. Statistics utilized for processing data embraced percentages, means, standard deviations, t-tests and F-tests (One-way ANOVA).

                   Results of the research have found the following findings: 1) Personnel’s motives for their duty performance at Tambon That Administrative Organization in Surin province’s Ratana Buri district have been rated at the high scale in the overall aspect, as has each of five aspects taken into consideration in the descending order of means, which are: self-esteems, career progression, job features, successes in performing their duty, and responsibilities. 2) The comparative results of motives for duty performance at their administrative organization have in the overall aspect shown distinctions in their different variables of genders, ages, educational levels and durations of official services, with the statistical significance level at .05. 3) Personnel’s suggestions as guidelines on reinforcing motives for their duty performance at their administrative organization have been recommended in first three frequencies that: administrators ought to: first, laud or deem to praise personnel with an outstanding duty performance; secondly, motivate and support personnel to develop themselves by letting them attend training courses, seminars and further their higher studies; finally, offer personnel freedom to make decisions on their duty performance.

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How to Cite
บรรพบุตร ส., & พิริยสิงห์ ร. (2018). Personnel’s Motives for Their Duty Performance at Tambon That Administrative Organization in Ratana Buri district, Surin Province. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 8(1), 1–10. Retrieved from
Research Article


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