An Application of the Four Principles of Padhana to the Performances of Personnel Attached to Sub-district Administrative Organizations in Thung Khao Luang District, Roi Et Provence

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สุภาพร ศรีไชยวาลย์
ดร.สุวัฒน์ จิตต์จันทร์


                  The Objectives of the research article were to 1) to study personnel’s opinions on the application of Buddhism’s four efforts (Padhana) to their duty performance at Tambon Thung Khao Luang administrative Organization in Roi Et province’s Thung Khao Luang district, 2) to compare their opinions on the application of its four efforts to their duty performance at the preceding organization, as classified by their different genders, ages and educational levels, 3) to collect their suggestions for the application of its four efforts to their duty performance at the above organization. It was the quantitative research. The sampling groups were personnel and employees in the organization, numbering 177 individuals, using Taro Yamane’s sample size. The device used for the research was the questionnaire divided into three parts, numbering twenty questions. The feature of the questionnaire was Likert-type questions, possessing the reliability of the whole version at .90, together with the open-ended questions for their suggestions for the application to their duty performance at their organization. Data in the first part was analyzed with percentages and presented by analytical description. In the second part, they were processed to find means and standard deviation. In the third part, data were analyzed to find means and standard deviation. In the third part, data were analyzed to seek for t-tests and F-tests (One-way ANOVA) by making use of the computer package to supplement analyses

                  Research findings: 1) Respondents’ opinions on the application of Buddhism’s four  efforts to their duty performance at Tambon Thung Khao Luang administrative Organization in Roi Et province’s Thung Khao Luang district, have been rated at the high scale in the overall aspect, as has each of four aspects taken into consideration. The means of four aspects in the descending order are: bhavana-padhana, the effort to develop; pahana-padhana, the effort to abandon; anurakkhana-padhana, the effort to maintain, and samvarapadhana, the effort to prevent, respectively. 2) The hypothesis testing results have found that respondents’ different genders, ages and educational levels have in the overall aspect shown no differences in their opinions on the applications of its four efforts (Padhana) to their duty performance. 3) Respondents’ suggestions for the application as such have been recommended in the descending order of three frequencies that: first, personnel should behave themselves as a good role model in the domain of transparency; next, they ought to raise their self-awareness by rendering services to the residents and focusing on the public benefits as the top priority; then, they have to realize residents’ basic backgrounds of living, and keep strict promises with them on the regular basis.

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How to Cite
ศรีไชยวาลย์ ส., & จิตต์จันทร์ ด. (2018). An Application of the Four Principles of Padhana to the Performances of Personnel Attached to Sub-district Administrative Organizations in Thung Khao Luang District, Roi Et Provence. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 8(1), 19–27. retrieved from
Research Article


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