An Application of The Four Principles of IDDHIPADA to The Infrastructural Administration by The Napho Sub-District Administrative Organization in Mueang District, Roi Et Province

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สุจิตติกา แก้วนาเหนือ
ดร.ไพรัช พื้นขมภู


                       The purposes of this thematic paper were 1) to study residents’ opinions on applications of “Buddhism’s Four Paths of Accomplishment” to infrastructural administrations by The Napho Sub-district Administrative Organization in Roi Et province’, 2) to compare residents’ applications as such to disparity of genders, ages, and educational levels, 3) to collects their suggestions as guidelines for applying them to its infrastructural administrations. Samplers were either household chiefs or 20-year-plus residents dwelling in its authorized area. Sampling groups garnered 291 subjects, setting them through Taro Yamane’s table. The instrument used for data collections was the five-rating scale questionnaire with twenty-four questions; each of which possessed its reliability of .90. Statistics used for analyzing data embraced: percentages, means, standard deviations, t-tests and F-tests (One-way ANOVA) by making use of the computer software package.

                       Results of findings :  1) Their opinions on applications of “Buddhism’s Four Paths of Accomplishment” to its infrastructural administrations have been rated at the high scale in the overall aspect as the same as in a single aspect. Of all aspects in descending order of means, they are: public infrastructures, transportations, and the water for consumption and utility. 2) Hypothesis testing results have found that applications of “Buddhism’s Four Paths of Accomplishment” to infrastructural administrations of the above administrative organization, according to residents’ opinions with disparity in genders, ages and occupations’ do not vary in both the overall aspect and a single one. 3) Residents’ suggestions in descending order of three frequencies are  recommended. First, authorities have absolute determination to work out clean tap water. Next, they always painting clear traffic signs of dividing roads to alleviate accidents. Last, they increase high frequencies of maintenance for lampposts along public roads.

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How to Cite
แก้วนาเหนือ ส., & พื้นขมภู ด. (2018). An Application of The Four Principles of IDDHIPADA to The Infrastructural Administration by The Napho Sub-District Administrative Organization in Mueang District, Roi Et Province. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 8(1), 48–57. Retrieved from
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