An Application of the Four Principles of Adhitthanadhamma to Local Political Participation of the People in Mueang Roi Et Municipality, Roi Et Province
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This thematic paper served the purposes: 1) to study an application of ‘Buddhism’s Four Virtues in Mind’ to residents’ political participation in local politics in Roi Et Provincial Municipality’s authorized area, 2) to compare their application to disparity in their genders, ages, educational levels and occupations, 3) to regulate their suggestions for their application. Samplers were 382 household chiefs from 382 families including 18-year-up representatives by setting them through Taro Yamane’s table. The instrument used for data collection was the five-rating scale questionnaire with thirty-two questions, each of which possessed its reliability of .91. Statistics for analyzing data embraced: percentages, arithmetic means, standard deviations, t-tests and F-tests (One-way ANOVA) by making use of the computer software package. Results of findings :
1) The application as such has been rated at the high scale in both of the overall aspect and a single one. All aspects in descending order of means are: i) casting the ballot, ii) monitoring political movements, iii) taking part in political rallies, and iv) helping a campaign of a political group for canvassing votes respectively.
2) The hypothesis testing results of the application of them to their political participations in local politics in its authorized area have shown no disparity in genders, ages, educational levels and occupations in both of the overall aspect and a single one.
3) Suggestions in descending order of first three frequencies are: i) monitoring political movements of political parties through media with neutrality, ii) devoting oneself to take part in every political rally, iii) preferring policies of the party to intimacy.
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