An Application of the Five Principles of Bala to the Management of Sub-District Administrative Organizations in Kaset Wisai District, Roi Et Province

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ไมตรี สมพงษ์ผึ้ง
ดร.ไพรัช พื้นชมภู


                       The research served specific purposes: 1) to study applications of Buddhism’s five principles of Bala, (literally meaning’ strength’) to the managements of sub-district administrative organizations in Kaset Wisai district of Roi Et province, 2) to compare personnel’s such opinions, as classified by different variables of their genders, ages and educational levels, 3) to examine their suggestions for applying its five principles there. Samples were 262 personnel working for sub-district administrative organizations of their own. The research device was the five-rating scale questionnaire in which questions possessed the reliability at .78. Statistics used for processing data embraced percentages, means, standard deviations, t-tests and F-tests (One-way ANOVA).

                       Outcomes of findings: 1) Personnel’s opinions on applying Buddhism’s five principles of strength at their sub-district administrative organizations were rated using at the high scales in the overall aspect. When taking each one into consideration in the descending order of means, they involved controlling, directing, planning and arranging organizations.2) Comparative outcomes of their opinions on applying them showed that managements of sub-district administrative organizations in the aforesaid district found no overall difference in their correlation with variables of their genders, ages and educational levels. 3) Personnel’s suggestions in the descending order of three frequencies for applying its five principles of strength at their administrative organizations were: first, personnel should be motivated to willingly abide by directions; next, there should have work performance scrutinized whether tasks were conductive to the planned agenda. If not, they should be improved; then, working panels should be urged on brain storming to bring about fresh and creative idea.

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How to Cite
สมพงษ์ผึ้ง ไ., & พื้นชมภู ด. (2018). An Application of the Five Principles of Bala to the Management of Sub-District Administrative Organizations in Kaset Wisai District, Roi Et Province. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 8(1), 68–76. retrieved from
Research Article


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