An Application of the Four Principles of Brahmavihara by the Administrators of Sub-district Administrative Organizations in Nong Phok District, Roi Et Province
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The thematic paper served the purposes: 1) to study personnel’s opinions on administrators’ applications of Brahmvihara, Buddhism’s Four Noble Sentiments, in their administrations at tambon administrative organizations in Nongphok district of Roi Et province, 2) to draw comparisons between the former’s opinions relevant to their differing genders, ages and educational levels and the latter’s applications as such to their administrations there, 3) to collect the former’s suggestions for enhancing the latter’s administrations there. Sampling groups comprised 204 personnel from eight tambon administrative organizations where they were working, earning them through Taro Yamane’s table. The device used for the research was the five-rating scale questionnaire with twenty questions, each of which possessed the reliability at .90. The statistics used for the research embraced: frequencies, percentages, means, standard deviations and F-tests (One-way ANOVA), processing them by making use of the software package.
Findings have found the following outcomes. 1) Administrators’ applications of four noble sentiments to their administrations at their administrative organizations have been rated ‘high’ in the overall aspect, as has one single aspect taken into account. Of aspects in the descending order of means, they include: Mudita, sympathetic joy; Karuna, compassion; Metta, loving kindness; and Upekkha, equanimity. 2) Hypothesis testing results have confirmed that personnel’s opinions on administrators’ applications of four noble sentiments their administrations do not vary. 3) The former’s suggestions for the latter’s applications have been offered in the descending order of three frequencies. Three key suggestions for enhancing their tasks are that administrators ought to i) openly look into personnel’s promotions with solid evidences, ii) admirably cite personnel’s prize winners for their outstanding performances, iii) express good wishes to personnel with an either expression more than it really is at present.
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