The Development of the Ability of English vocabulary learning of Pratomsuksa 2 students by using Role - Play method and English Vocabulary Writing Exercises
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The purpose of this research were (1) to evaluate the efficiency of the Role-Play method combined with English vocabulary writing Exercises of Prathomsuksa 2 students (2) to study Prathomsuksa 2 students' progress to learn English vocabulary both before and after studying by using Role-Play method and English Vocabulary Writing Exercises (3) to study the satisfaction of Pratomsuksa 2 students learning by using Role-Play method and English Vocabulary Writing Exercises. The target group for this research were 24 Prathomsuksa 2 students in Special Education Bureau of Suksasongkroh Thawatburi School. The tools used in this research were 12 management plans using role play method and English Vocabulary Writing Exercises, 4 books to practice English vocabulary writing exercises, a 40 question evaluation form pre-test and post-test with this research, and a 10-question questionnaire to assess the satisfaction level of students who learning by using Role - Play method and English Vocabulary Writing Exercises. Statistics used in data analysis include percentage, mean and standard deviation.
The findings of this research were : 1)The effectiveness of the Role-Play method combined with English vocabulary writing exercises was equal to 86.84/87.29 percent which was higher than the criterion 80/80 percent that was set. 2)The progress in learning English vocabulary by using role-play method and English vocabulary writing was higher after learning with this method than before with the value of the progress percentage of average points achievement in learning equal to 56.48. 3)Pratomsuksa 2 students learning by using role-play method and English vocabulary writing had the most satisfaction overall with an average value equal to 4.93 with standard deviation equal to 0.21
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