Applications of Buddhism’s Noble Eightfold Paths to Reinforcing Ways of Native Residents’ Life with Self-Sufficiency Economy in Communities of Thailand’s Central North-eastern Region

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กฤตยากร ลดาวัลย์
สุวิมล สมไชย
วรเชษฐ์ โทอื้น
พีรพงษ์ แสนสิ่ง
มัณฑนา สุวรรณศรี
ธณพร โปมิน


                       The research served the purposes: to investigate current states of applying “Buddhism’s Noble Eightfold Paths” to consolidating ways of native residents’ life with self-sufficiency economy in communities of Thailand’s central north-eastern region, 2) to compare their opinions on applying them as such to disparity in genders, ages and occupations, and 3) to examine levels of relations while applying them. Samplers were native residents of Roi Et, Khon Kaen, Maha Sarakham, and Kalasin provinces, setting sampling groups through Taro Yamane’s table by making four-percent calculation. The sampling groups entailed 400 subjects through simple random sampling by drawing raffles; it was a ratio of 100 subjects per each province. The instrument used for data collections was the questionnaire with the content validity between 0.67 and 1.00,and the reliability of 0.95. Data were analyzed by making use of the computer software package to search for frequencies, percentages, means, standard deviations, t-tests and F-tests. Pair differences were sought through Scheffe’s method and Pearson’s product moment correlation.

                       Results of research findings (1) The practical level of applying Buddhism’s Noble Eightfold Paths to consolidating ways of native residents’ life with self-sufficiency economy in communities of Thailand’s central north-eastern region has been overall rated at the high scale.  The descending order of means of the practical level of applying them comprises: Right Action, Right Effort, Right Understanding, Right Mindfulness, Right Concentration, Right Speech, Right Thought and Right Livelihood. The practical level of leading ways of their life with self-sufficiency economy has been overall measured at the high scale. In terms of each level, doing their jobs and solving problems are at the highest levels. Self-developments, life qualities, self-reliance, and sufficiency wisdom are at lower levels whereas leading ways of their life with self-sufficiency economy is at the lowest. (2) Comparative results of disparity in their genders and ages have shown no overall differences in states of applying noble eightfold paths. Unlike disparity in their occupations, relative results of Right Effort have become dissimilar, with the statistical significance level of. 05. (3) The testing result of relations between applying noble eightfold paths and leading ways of their life with self-sufficiency economy has a positive correlation in every part of communities in its central north-eastern region.

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How to Cite
ลดาวัลย์ ก., สมไชย ส., โทอื้น ว., แสนสิ่ง พ., สุวรรณศรี ม., & โปมิน ธ. (2018). Applications of Buddhism’s Noble Eightfold Paths to Reinforcing Ways of Native Residents’ Life with Self-Sufficiency Economy in Communities of Thailand’s Central North-eastern Region. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 8(1), 156–166. retrieved from
Research Article


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