The Development of W-PA-RE Learning Management Model to Promote Communicative English Skills for Prathomsuksa 4 students, Watsathong School

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ตรีทิพย์นิภา รัตนอนุชาติกมล


                  The purposes of the research were 1) to study on problem condition and the requirement in developing W-PA-RE learning management model to promote communicative English skills for Prathomsuksa 4 students, Watsathong School.  2) to construct and test the efficiency of W-PA-RE learning management model to promote communicative English skills for Prathomsuksa 4 students, Watsathong School.  3) to try out the W-PA-RE learning management model to promote communicative English skills for Prathomsuksa 4 students, Watsathong School. The sample comprised 36 Prathomsuksa students, class 4/1, studying in the second semester of the 2015 academic year, selected by cluster random sampling.  The instruments used for this experiment were: W-PA-RE learning management model, which developed, to promote communicative English skills for Prathomsuksa 4 students, Watsathong School. Test form, learning management form, communicative English skills test, students’ satisfaction form after learning management and content analysis.  The data were analyzed by percentage, mean, standard deviation and t-test (Dependent t-test).

           The results of the research were as follows:

            1. From the analysis of problem condition and the requirement in developing W-PA-RE learning management model to, students could be able to learn from hearing, touching, reading, technology using which comprised stimulation and response, remembrance, understanding, applying, analysis, synthesis and estimation which they learned new insights. The better English learning management, the more learners could practice communicative English skills as much as possible through various activities, including both indoor and outdoor learning activities.  In fact, the teachers’ teaching management insisted on lecture method.  The students were assigned task practice from their text book.  Teachers had less supported their own teaching in teaching media and less provided learning resources.

                   2. From the developed W-PA-RE learning management called W-PA-RE model consisted of principle factors as follows: principal, objective, learning process, promoting students’ learning factors and condition in using learning model under 5 steps of learning management, the result of examine, found that the model mentioned above was proper and possible.

                  3. From the experiment used W-PA-RE learning management model to promote communicative English skills for Prathomsuksa 4 students, found that:  1) The efficiency of testing the model to promote communicative English skills for Prathomsuksa 4 students was at 77.75/78.89 compared with the criterion of 75/75, revealed higher than the specified criterion. 2) The comparison of students’ learning achievement before and after using W-PA-RE learning management model revealed that the students had average learning achievement of after learning higher than before learning significantly at .05.  The result of communicative English skills for Prathomsuksa 4 students in overall was at high level. 3)The study students’ satisfaction towards W-PA-RE model was overall in high level.  The highest to lowest mean scores:  Firstly, learning activity management aspect and learning evaluation aspect respectively.  Secondary, duration of learning aspect and learning atmosphere aspect respectively.

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How to Cite
รัตนอนุชาติกมล ต. (2018). The Development of W-PA-RE Learning Management Model to Promote Communicative English Skills for Prathomsuksa 4 students, Watsathong School. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 8(1), 188–198. Retrieved from
Research Article


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