Learning Management of Social Studies, Religion and Culture to Promote Virtue and Ethics on the duty of Good Citizen of Schools under the Office of Khon Kaen Primary Education Service Area 5

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ปรีดา พลวงษาธนกุล
ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์ ดร.รัชนี จรุงศิรวัฒน์
ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์ ดร.ประยูร แสงใส


                  The aims of this survey research mixed with the qualitative and quantitative research were: 1) to study the states of the learning management; 2) to study the suggestions and ways to develop the learning management of the Department of Social Studies, Religion and Culture to promote virtue and ethics on the duty of a good citizen of the schools under the Office of Khon Kaen Primary Education Service Area 5. The samples in this study were 160 of educational administrators and teachers in the network of Nong Ruea Phu Meng, Nong Ruea district under the Office of Khon Kaen Primary Education Service Area 5. Selected by purposive sampling, the target group of this research were 10 educational administrators and 10 teachers. The statistics used were: Frequency, Mean and Standard Deviation.

                   The research results were as follows: State of the learning management of Social Studies, Religion and Culture Learning Areas to promote virtue and ethics on the on the civics of the schools under Khon Kaen Primary Education Service Area Office 5 in overall was at a high level. When considering each aspect were same. The high level aspects were Measurement and Evaluation environmental management, activity management and learning activity management respectively.

                  Suggestions and approach for learning management of social studies, religion and culture learning areas to promote virtue and ethics of schools under khon kaen primary education service area office 5. As follows : Learning activity management should focus on the learner. social responsibility. Environmental management the building and learning material should be always available for teachers and students ,the environmental awareness should be raised. Activity management such as food offering, Buddhist candle festival and other activities in Buddhist important days should be managed to promote the moral and ethics of student. The teachers should clearly tell the aims, objectives and measurement and evaluation criteria of learning., the environment within the school should be clean, fresh and shady. In terms of ‘Activity Management’, the organized activities should focus on making student realize the values of moral and ethics which can be effectively practiced in their daily life. Learning Activity Management, the students should be trained from real experiences by working together or organizing the volunteer project or fieldwork allowing the students to do the activities with the local community.

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How to Cite
พลวงษาธนกุล ป., จรุงศิรวัฒน์ ผ. ด., & แสงใส ผ. ด. (2019). Learning Management of Social Studies, Religion and Culture to Promote Virtue and Ethics on the duty of Good Citizen of Schools under the Office of Khon Kaen Primary Education Service Area 5. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 8(1), 262–273. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/AJMBU/article/view/194993
Research Article


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