Basketball Skills of Mathayom Suksa 4 Students in Ubon Thani Educational Service Area in the Academic Year 2015

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บัณฑิต หาญธงชัย


                   This study aimed to investigate develop, and compare basketball skills test of Mathayom Suksa 4 students in Ubon Thani Educational Service Area in the academic year 2015. The subjects comprised 450 Mathayom Suksa 4 students with 150 males and 300 female. The instrument for collecting data were basketball skills test including goal passing skill, speed shooting skill, and dribble for left and right shooting skill. Then data were analyzed and presented  by mean, standard deviation, T-score, one – way analysis of variance and Scheffe’s test.

                   The result revealed that: (1)Mean and standard deviation of male basketball skills test on goal passing skill were 56.08 and 8.60, on dribble skill were 21.35 and 3.43, on speed shooting skill were 5.99 and 3.00 dribble for left and right shooting skill were 5.18 and 2.13 whereas mean and 8.77, on dribble skill were 18.48 and 3.31, on speed shooting skill were 4.60 and 2.41, dribble for left and right shooting skill were 4.16 and 1.95 (2)When considered with T-score, it was found that male and female basketball skills at a very high level was more than T-score of 63, a high level was T-score of 55 – 62, a moderate level was T-score of 46-54, a low level was T-score of 38-45, and a very low level was lover than T-score of  37 (3)The comparison of male and female students’ basketball skills between districts in Udornthani Educational Service Area, signigicant difference at  .05 level.

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How to Cite
หาญธงชัย บ. (2019). Basketball Skills of Mathayom Suksa 4 Students in Ubon Thani Educational Service Area in the Academic Year 2015. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 8(1), 298–307. Retrieved from
Research Article


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