Graduate Students’ Satisfaction with the Management of the Master Degree Course on Government at Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus

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ยุทธชัย โสภาไฮ
ดร.สุวัฒน์ จิตต์จันทร์


                  The thematic paper served the purposes: 1) to study graduate students’ satisfaction with managements of the master degree course on Government at Mahamakut Buddhist University’s Roi Et campus, 2) to compare their differing genders, ages and occupations-based satisfaction with the course managements, 3) to examine their suggestions as guidelines on reinforcing developments of the course managements. The sampling groups comprised 130 graduate students majoring in Government between B.E. 2555 and 2556. The instrument used for data collection was the five-rating scale questionnaire with thirty questions, each of which had its reliability of the entirety at 83. Statistics utilized for data analyses embraced percentages, means, standard deviations, t-test and F-test (One–way ANOVA).

                   Results of the research have been found:1) Students’ satisfaction with course managements at their campus has been rated  ‘high’ in the overall aspect, as each one has when taking it into account. With all studied aspects placed in the descending order of means, they are: measurements and evaluation, the curriculum, instructors to the course, learning rapports, teaching techniques plus methods, and environments respectively. 2) Hypothesis testing results of their differing genders, ages and occupations have found no differences in their satisfaction in the overall aspect and each one, thereby not being in accordance with the established hypotheses. 3) Students have overall offered first three suggestions for enhancing levels of their satisfaction with course managements in the descending order of frequencies that there should: i) reiterate present lesson plans in each academic year to clarify their understanding, ii) redeem and improve on toilets, especially keeping them clean and hygienic for students’ and personnel’ convenience, iii) reshape the course to modernize it and increasingly keep abreast of current trends.

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How to Cite
โสภาไฮ ย., & จิตต์จันทร์ ด. (2017). Graduate Students’ Satisfaction with the Management of the Master Degree Course on Government at Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 7(2), 11–19. retrieved from
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