The Academic Administration of the Saket City School Network under the Office of Primary Education Service, Roi Et Area 1
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The purposes of this thematic paper were : 1) to study the academic administrations of the so-called school network, 2) to draw comparisons between the same school network’s academic administrations and demographic variables of respondents’ genders and working experiences, 3) to examine their suggestions for enhancing its academic administrations. The sampling groups of correspondents comprised teachers and educational personnel in the target school network in the academic year of B.E. 2563, numbering 145 respondents. The tool used for conducting the research was the questionnaire with the content reliability ranging from 0.67 to 1.00. and the reliability at 0.93. Data were processed using the software package to find frequencies, means, standard deviations, t-tests, F-tests (One – way ANOVA), and pair differences through Bonferroni‘s method.
Results of conducting the research have found the following findings:
1) Levels of the school network’s academic administrations have had their means at 4.23, 3.97, 3.83 and 3.99 respectively in aspects of curriculum administration, instructional administration, learning achievement assessment administration, data system and academic information administration.
2) Levels of means for its academic administrations relative to demographic variables of their genders and working experiences in the curriculum administration have found striking differences in the overall aspect with the statistical significance level at .05, whereas remaining aspects have proven similar. With regard to their different working experiences, means have been exactly the same in the overall aspect of its academic administrations. In contrast, instructional administrations have varied with the statistical significance level at .05. Meanwhile, means of working experiences of teachers aged more than fifteen years have been higher than those from 7 to 14 years, with the statistical significance level at .05. As for other pairs, they are of no differences.
3) Results of studying teachers’ suggestions for boosting the school network’s academic administrations are the following: Curriculum administrations, there should have analyzed curricula, learning standards and indicators so as to be used as concrete guidelines on learning managements. Teachers should also study main essence and learning standards prior to learning managements. Instructional administration, schools should provide instructional media/high quality innovation, including materials, accessories and state-of-the-art technologies for holding instructional activities so that they definitely yield the highest effective teaching. learning achievement assessment administration, schools in its target school network should have exam papers of every core subject passing quality assurance. All schools in the target network should have their own exam paper bank for every core subject drawn up by storing them in the form of computer files for uses at one’s disposal. In addition, schools should redeem exam papers appropriate for their students’ abilities in each school. Data system and academic information administration, schools in the target network should have kept students’, teachers’, and student guardians’ data, including other necessary records. They should also exchange data among schools, inside entities and outsourcing ones for the sake of convenient, rapid and correct managements of the academic administrations.
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