The Participatory Administration by The Administration Committee of The Schools In Phon Sai District under the Office of Primary Education Service, Roi Et Area 2

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วิไรวรรณ รสชา
พระครูวิจิตรปัญญาภรณ์, ดร. ภูมาพันธ์
ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์ ดร.เอนก ศิลปนิลมาลย์


                   The research serves the purposes: 1) to study the participatory administration by the administration committee of the schools under the Office of Primary Education Service, Roi Et Area 2 in Phon Sai district of Roi Et province, 2) to compare administration committees’ opinions on the participatory administration of the preceding schools as  with variables derived from different genders, ages and educational levels, 3) to examine their suggestions for bolstering the participatory administration of the aforesaid. The sampling group formed 118 administration committees of the same schools. The instrument used for conducting the research was the five-rating scale questionnaire with the reliability at 0.89. Statistics for data analyses embraced percentages, means, standard deviation, t-tests (Independent Samples) and F-tests (One-way ANOVA).

                   Results of the research findings:

                   1) The level of administration committees’ participatory administration of the target schools has been rated at the high scale in the overall aspect. When taking each aspect into consideration in the descending order of means, they include general administration, academic affairs administration, 3) personnel administration and financial administration.

                   2)The comparative results of levels of administration committees’ participatory administration of the target schools have found that genders shown differences in their participatory administration in the overall aspect, with the statistical significance level at .05, but no differences in academic affairs administration, financial administration, personnel administration, and general administration. Concurrently, different ages show no differences in their participatory administration in the overall aspect and each one. In addition to differences in educational levels, their opinions on participatory administration have been of no differences in each aspect but the overall one has proven the opposite, with the statistical significance level at .05.

                  3) School committees’ suggestions for bolstering the participatory administration of the target schools have been recommended as follows: 3.1. With regard to academic affairs administration, schools ought to find places favorable to holding such academic activities as learning sources in schools and surfing community data and holding academic activities so that students have exchanged their learning of important community places and various outstanding customs and traditions. 3.2. With respect to financial administration, they ought to reiterate annually received budgets and expenditures to let administration committees approve in order to use them as data for providing assistance to schools in the future. 3.3. In relation to personnel administration, they ought to pay attention to teachers’ duty performances and their self-practice in the society that enable them to behave as good role models for kids and the teens  and 3.4 Regarding general administration, they ought to clarify tasks/different projects concerning communities and do public relations to have them acknowledge in a way that they materialize close cooperation between schools and communities for good.

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How to Cite
รสชา ว., ภูมาพันธ์ พ. ด., & ศิลปนิลมาลย์ ผ. ด. (2017). The Participatory Administration by The Administration Committee of The Schools In Phon Sai District under the Office of Primary Education Service, Roi Et Area 2. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 7(2), ึุ76–87. retrieved from
Research Article


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