Relations Between School Administrators’ competency and Their Administrative Efficiency at Schools under Roi Et Elementary Education Service Area Office 1

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นิน โพธิ์ศรี
ดร.สัมฤทธิ์ แก้วสมบัติ
ดร.กุศล ศรีสารคาม


                   The thematic paper served the purposes: 1) to study school administrators’ competency following Teacher Council’s professional standards on their school administrations at schools under Roi Et Elementary Education Service Area Office 1, 2) to scrutinize their efficiency of school administrations at schools under the aforesaid area office, 3) to examine their competency following Teacher Council’s professional standards on their school administrations at  the preceding schools under the same area office with their school administrations at schools , 4) to collect suggestions for enhancing their competency and  their administrative efficiency. Samples were 317 teachers at the target schools under the above office, setting the sampling groups through R. C. Krejcie’s and D. W. Morgan’s calculation table. The device used for conducting the research was the questionnaire handout with every question in it having the reliability at 0.92. Statistics used for processing data embraced frequencies, percentages, means, standard deviations, t-test (One-way ANOVA), (Pearson’s Simple Correlation).

                  Results of the research have found the following findings: 1) School administrators’ level as prescribed by Teacher Council’s professional standards on administrations of schools under Roi Et Elementary Education Service Area Office 1 has been rated at the high scale in the overall aspect. When taking each aspect into consideration, eight aspects have been found rating at the high scales, other two aspects at the moderate. First three aspects of school administrations with the highest means in the descending order are: ethics and morality, public relations and community relations, and students’ affairs.  Another aspect with the lowest mean is educational assurance. 2) The level of school administrators’ administrative efficiency for administrations of schools under it has been measured at the high scale. The aspect of their administrative efficiency with the highest scale is their adaptive developments of schools while that of theirs with the lowest scale is producing students’ high achievements of learning. 3) The hypothesis testing results have been found that their administrative competency as prescribed by Teacher Council’s professional standards on administrations of schools has positive relations with their administrative competency in the overall aspect and each one, with the statistical significance level at 0.01 4) Respondents’ suggestions for enhancing school administrators’ competency and their administrative efficiency at Roi Et province’s Muang district-located schools under the office mentioned office have been recommended in the descending order of top three frequencies. First, school administrators have planned their work performance of each task to achieve the aims according to practice plans. Next, they must open up opportunities to teachers to express their opinions and urge on school personnel’s career progression. Last, they must have abilities in selecting a method of self-development suitable for either strong or weak points of their own. In addition, they must have a creative method to admire school personnel’s deeds for the sake of their morale and encouragement.

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How to Cite
โพธิ์ศรี น., แก้วสมบัติ ด., & ศรีสารคาม ด. (2018). Relations Between School Administrators’ competency and Their Administrative Efficiency at Schools under Roi Et Elementary Education Service Area Office 1. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 7(2), 88–98. Retrieved from
Research Article


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