Developments of a Model to Provide Experience Arrangements to 2nd Kindergarteners with the Constructivist Approach by Utilizing Creative Activities of Arts to Foster Their Cognitive Competence in Problem-Solving
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The research served the specific purposes to: 1) investigate problematic states to provide experience arrangements to 2nd year class kindergarteners following desirable attributes, 2) develop a model to provide experience arrangements to them with the constructivist approach by utilizing creative activities of arts to foster their cognitive competence in problem-solving, 3) examine results of utilizing the model. The sampling group comprised 37 kindergarteners of 2nd year class in 1st semester of B.E. 2560’s academic year; garnering by simple random sampling. The research was conducted at Wat Buraphaphiram Municipality School under Roi Et Provincial Municipality’s Educational Bureau. Tasks of conducting the research were divided into three phases: 1) investigating problematic states, 2) developing the model, 3) making detailed studies on it. Statistics utilized for processing data involved percentages, arithmetic means, standard deviations, and t-tests.
Results found findings as follows. 1) The highest scale of problematic states to provide experience arrangements dichotomized between cognitive competence and problem-solving apt for their ages. 2) The developed model contained six elements: i) basic concepts and the theory, ii) objectives, iii) steps of experiences arrangements, iv) social systems, v) principles of responses, vi) supportive systems. Providing experience arrangements embodied three steps: i) preparation of their readiness, ii) creative activities of arts, iii) conclusion and evaluation, with efficiency of 84.15/83.24 and effective index of 0.6473. 3) Results of utilizing the developed model after intervention showed their cognitive competence in problem-solving was higher than theirs used to be, with the statistical significance level of .01. In addition, teachers’ opinions proved that their cognitive competence in problem-solving was rated at the highest scale in the overall aspect after intervention.
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