Roles of English Teacher for Communication
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This article aims to study the communicative language teaching ways of teachers by process Active 3Ps (PPP), consists of 3 steps of teaching include Presentation, Practice and Production, and the teaching and learning process of English for effective communication is based on 3 items: activities, teaching techniques and role of learners and teachers. So teachers play an important roles in cultivating, transferring learning from content to learners and stimulate the interest of students to be able to communicate in the daily life with confidence includes self-development to empowerment in the race forwards.
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สัตนาโค พ., & เอกวิลัย ว. (2018). Roles of English Teacher for Communication. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 7(2), 265–271. Retrieved from
Academic Article
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Baker, Joanna and Westrup, Heather. (2000). The English Language Teacher’s Handbook: How to Teach Large Classes with Few Resources. London: Continuum.
Hedge, Tricia. (2000). Teaching and Learning in the Language Classroom. New York: Oxford University Press.