Educational Personnel’s Satisfaction with Education Management of Schools in Wapipathum District under Service Area of Mahasarakam Provincial Administrative Organization

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สุพิชญา ประมาคะมา
ดร.จำนง กมลศิลป์
ดร.อุทัย กมลศิลป์


                  The purpose of this independent study were 1) to study educational personnel’s satisfaction towards education administration of schools in Wapipathum district under service area of Mahasarakam provincial administrative organization 2) to compare educational personnel’s satisfaction towards education administration in 4 aspect s: academic administration, budget administration, personnel administration, and general administration. This study was classified by teachers’ gender, academic standing and serviced years, and school size 3) to study the suggestions from educational personnel about education administration of schools in Wapipathum district under service area of Mahasarakam provincial administrative organization.  The sample was 95 teachers.  The study tool was questionnaire.  The item discrimination range was from 0.265 – 0.897. The coefficient of reliability was 0.973.  The statistical package was used in the data analysis in frequency, percentage, standard deviation. t–test and F–test were used to test the hypothesis.  

                  The study found that :

                  1. Overall, educational personnel’s satisfaction towards education administration was in high level. However, divided by 4 aspects, the satisfaction was arranged from the highest level to the lowest level as follows: personnel administration, general administration, academic administration, and budget administration.

                  2. By overall and in separated aspect, the results of data analysis in comparing educational personnel’s satisfaction towards education administration were in the same way as following:

                      2.1 Educational personnel’s satisfaction towards education administration in accordance with gender was not different

                      2.2 Educational personnel’s satisfaction towards education administration in accordance with academic standing was not different

                      2.3 Educational personnel’s satisfaction towards education administration in accordance with serviced years was not different.  However, in the aspect of general administration the ones who got 10 – 20 serviced years were more satisfied with the administration than those who got below 10 serviced years with the statistical significance at 0.5

                       2.4 Educational personnel’s satisfaction towards education administration in accordance with school size was not different.  However, in the aspect of general administration, the ones who worked at the small-sized schools were more satisfied with the administration than those who worked at the middle-sized school with the statistical significance at 0.5

                   3. to study the suggestions from educational personnel about education administration of schools in Wapipathum district under service area of Mahasarakam provincial administrative organization summarized as follows agency and school administrators should provide support. encourage the implementation of various activities by holding a planning meeting to ensure continuity of operations. jointly solve the problem potential to be more effective in every way, there should be a joint planning meeting between the administrators and teachers. to clearly define roles and responsibilities in each area. preparing for school in order to maximize performance.

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How to Cite
ประมาคะมา ส., กมลศิลป์ ด., & กมลศิลป์ ด. (2017). Educational Personnel’s Satisfaction with Education Management of Schools in Wapipathum District under Service Area of Mahasarakam Provincial Administrative Organization. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 7(1), 119–131. retrieved from
Research Article


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