People’s Political Participation under the Good Governance Principle

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สาธิต กฤตลักษณ์


                   Political participation of people is a significant indicator of political specifying people’s attention in politics effectively. This research study investigates political participation of people toward good governance principles implemented by local administrative organizations. Roi-Et municipality, Muang district, Roi-Et province was purposively selected as a target area for this research study since Roi-Et municipality received many awards such as Good Governance Awards, Prajadhipok Institute’s awards and NACC Integrity Awards on transparency which imply that people residing in the area of Roi-Et municipality have knowledge concerning local administration. According to the field study, the researcher found that Roi-Et municipality people were interested in political matters; they usually talk about political issues, they always follow the political news broadcasted via various media channels such as radio and television including newspaper. However, they didn’t have a chance to give complaints and participate in the development plan for the municipality.  Consequently, the researcher became interested in studying political participation of people toward the principles of good government implemented by local administrative office. This research also investigated whether the interaction among the effective factors comprising gender, ages, education and occupations influences political participation of people or not. This research applied a documentary research methodology and exploratory research to collect the data from the sample group using a questionnaire as a research instrument. The samples were 300 eligible voters for municipal election residing in Roi-Et Municipality area.

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How to Cite
กฤตลักษณ์ ส. (2018). People’s Political Participation under the Good Governance Principle. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 7(1), 166–175. Retrieved from
Research Article


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