Administration in Accordance with the Principal of Good Governance of Kaeng Khro Municipality, Kaeng Khro District, Chaiyaphum Province

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Kaskaew Dumchoke
Pot Toopot
Amnuay Sangchuay


          The objectives of the research were to 1)study the situation of opinions of people about management according to good governance principles, 2)compare the opinions of people classified by gender, age, educational level, occupation and monthly income and 3)study guidelines for development of management according to good governance principles of Kaeng Khro municipality, Kaeng Khro district, Chaiyaphum province by using good governance principles which consisted of 6 important principles. This research was mixed-method research between quantitative research with the sample group of 380 people and qualitative research with the target group of 10 informants. The research instrument was a 5-level rating scale questionnaire. The statistics used in data analysis included frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test and one-way variance test (F–test) and the qualitative research used in-depth semi-structured interview and descriptive statistics.         

          The research results were found that : 1. The analysis of management according to good governance principles was found that the results in overall and each aspect were rated at the highest level in all aspects. 2. The comparative analysis of management according to good governance principles classified by gender, age, educational level, occupation and monthly income was found that gender, age, educational level and occupation had different opinions with statistical significance at the level of .05., when classified by monthly income, it was found that opinions were not different. 3. The guidelines for management development according to good governance principles were as follows: 1)The rule of law:  There should be a strict compliance. 2)Morality: There should be appropriate personnel assignment. 3)Transparency: There should be information disclosure to the public. 4) Participation: There should be promotion of people to participate in planning, following-up and evaluation. 5)Responsibility: The objectives and direction of administration should be defined and there should be clear procedures and operational processes. 6)Cost–effectiveness or Economy: There should be an audit, follow-up and assessment of transparent budget performance.

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How to Cite
Dumchoke, K., Toopot, P., & Sangchuay, A. (2019). Administration in Accordance with the Principal of Good Governance of Kaeng Khro Municipality, Kaeng Khro District, Chaiyaphum Province. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 9(2), 192–202. retrieved from
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