Patronage System in Local Politics of Kosumphisai District, Maha Sarakham Province

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Saravut Lertvichakul
Cherngcharn Chongsomchai


          The aims of this research is to study 1) patronage system between nation politicians and local politicians in Kosumphisi District, Maha Sarakham 2) the impact of the patronage system in the local politics of Kosumphisi District, Maha Sarakham and 3) the suggestion of the patronage system improvement in Kosumphisai District, Maha Sarakham Province. This is a qualitative research which conducted by collecting the documentary research, as well as related research and semi-structured interviews from 30 specify participants including politicians, education officers, government officer, and citizen. A tool for the research is semi-structured interviews format. Then the information is used to analyze and presented in descriptive analysis way.

         According to the study, patronage system in local politics of Kosumphisi District, Mahasarakham Province are horizontal affiliation and vertical affiliation. That is to say, horizontal affiliation is the patronage of relatives and vertical affiliation is the patronage of partisan, friends, client, team, including canvasser; they are both under relationship marketing and political relationship.

         There are both advantages and disadvantages of political patronage. For advantage, there is a development from the push, budget allocation, or other projects to locality; citizens have been taken care of by nation and local politician. For disadvantage, there is a political interference from local politics by nation politicians which can lead to the succession of political power.

         The suggestion of the patronage system improvement in Kosumphisai district, Maha Sarakham province 1) create a covenant, rule, and checking system  2) create a merit system, and foster political ethics 3) raise political awareness 4) follow the equality 5) make the most of patronage system for development

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How to Cite
Lertvichakul, S., & Chongsomchai, C. (2019). Patronage System in Local Politics of Kosumphisai District, Maha Sarakham Province. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 9(1), 302–312. Retrieved from
Research Article


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