Preparedness in Transferring Educational Management of Provincial Administration Organizations

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Jantakan Kidsoongnoen
Peerasit Kamnuansilpa


           This paper presented the results of preparedness study for transferring educational management of the two Provincial Administration Organizations in the northeastern region that there were not any transferring schools to be affiliated with both Provincial Administration Organizations. In analysis of the preparedness, the researcher collected data from documents and key informant interviews that consisted of personnel related to the education of the two Provincial Administration Organizations and teachers under the Ministry of Education in the province who looked at the Provincial Administration Organizations preparedness and the welfare and security issues of the teachers, if they have to be transferred to the Provincial Administration Organizations personnel. Then used the information from the documents of the study and interviews with key informants for analysis together.

           The results of study showed that the two Provincial Administration Organizations did not have enough administrative preparedness for transferring educational management. Therefore could not push for the school transferring which reflects that both Provincial Administration Organizations lacked awareness of the role in educational management and they did not give importance to their local education as they should be. Moreover, personnel from all concerned, the school administrators and teachers did not want to transfer their school to be affiliated with the Provincial Administration Organizations. Due to lack of confidence in transparency of the internal management system and they did not trust in knowledge and expertise of educational management of the Provincial Administration Organizations. Especially, they were afraid of receiving less benefits, instability and lack of career advancement. As well as the lack of freedom for working, in case of transferring to be a personnel under the Provincial Administration Organization.

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How to Cite
Kidsoongnoen, J., & Kamnuansilpa, P. (2019). Preparedness in Transferring Educational Management of Provincial Administration Organizations. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 9(1), 333–344. Retrieved from
Research Article


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