The District Health Board for Quality Life Development through Health Promotion of the Population in Ubonrattana District, Khon Kaen Province

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Orapan Leelawongkij
Peerasit Kamnuansilpa


           The purpose of this research to study method/process of implementation of health personnel and staff of related agencies in the network of the District Health Board in Ubonrattana District, KhonKaen Province. That there are integrated characteristics or not and how. Data were collected from existing documentation and from in-depth interviews with key informants, including:  (1) Representatives of government agencies; (2) Representatives from the private sector; and (3) Representatives from the populace.   The findings from the primary and secondary data were synthesized to achieve accurate and consistent results. 

          This study found that the method/process of implementation of health personnel and staff of related agencies in the network of the DHB in Ubonrattana still lack adequate integration of operations.  Thus, the Board-led activities have not yet had the desired impact on health promotion of the local population.  The staff of the various agencies in the network still have limited knowledge and understanding of their role and responsibilities in the new strategy.  There are also limitations of budget of the various agencies.  Furthermore, the agencies tend to implement activities independently of each other, and the activities are not of the level of intensity needed to have an impact on health promotion.  Thus, if these shortcomings are addressed, that should help make the DHB more capable in addressing the prevailing health challenges, and move toward a more integrated service.

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How to Cite
Leelawongkij, O., & Kamnuansilpa, P. (2019). The District Health Board for Quality Life Development through Health Promotion of the Population in Ubonrattana District, Khon Kaen Province. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 9(1), 356–365. Retrieved from
Research Article


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