The Guidelines for Curriculum Development and Teaching and Learning Management for Pali Scripture Department at the Bureau of Religion Studies Pali Department At Samat District Roi Et Province

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Phramahajarin Manintho
Phaithun Saunmaphi
Phrawiman Khamphipanyo


         The objectives of the research article were 1) to study the problems in the curriculum and the teaching and learning management of Pariyattidhamma school, Pali section, At Samat district, Roi Et province; and 2) to study the guidelines for curriculum development and the teaching and learning management of Pariyattidhamma school, Pali section, At Samat district, Roi Et province. This is a qualitative research by studying the data from documents, interviews, and focus group discussion.

           The research findings found that : 1)the teaching and learning management of Pariyattidhamma school, Pali section, At Samat district consists of the six following problems: administration; learning tools and equipment; teaching and learning systems; teachers; learners; and buildings and venues of the learning. While the problems in the curriculum are classified into five aspect which are: the school does not have the curriculum of its own; the textbooks provided are not enough for the students; the curriculum is not consistent with the context of the students; the textbooks used for teaching and learning are too old; and the lack of curriculum development suitable for the students. 2) The research findings indicated that there were 8 parts of the relationship in the guidelines for curriculum development and teaching and learning management of PhrapariyattidhammaPali section of the Religious Education Institution, At Samat district as follows. There were 1)both short and long term administration and action plan, 2)plans for learner recruitment, 3)selection of instructors with expertise in supervision and training and development of the instructors to be skillful and practical as the role models for learners, 4)supervision for learners to understand teaching and learning regulations and processes, learners’ attitude adjustment to understand importance of studying Pali and motivation enhancement in studying Pali, 5)curriculum development, manual and instructional media, 6)designs of a variety of activities in teaching and learning management, in promoting learners’ skills and managing the activities related to learners’ problem situations by focusing on learner-centered activities, 7)management of factors and environments to support teaching and learning, and 8)assessment of teaching and learning management.        In the process of curriculum development, the institution used the curriculum according to Central Pali Testing Service as the model in order to develop manuals and instructional media for the institution. The curriculum structure and the instructional manuals were developed with the ease to understand. There was a production of a variety of media, with designs of contents and formats attractive to learners, easy to understand language and relations among memory, knowledge, understanding, critical thinking, synthesis and learning evaluation so that the learners will be able to apply these in daily life.

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How to Cite
Manintho, P. ., Saunmaphi, P., & Khamphipanyo, P. (2020). The Guidelines for Curriculum Development and Teaching and Learning Management for Pali Scripture Department at the Bureau of Religion Studies Pali Department At Samat District Roi Et Province. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 10(1), 75–88. Retrieved from
Research Article


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