An Application of the four Principles of Sagahavatthu to the Performance of Personnell Attached to Sub-District Municipalities in Tawat Buri District, Roi Et Province

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ปทิตตา เพ็งพล
รองศาสตราจารย์อุดม พิริยสิงห์


       This thesis is a quantitative research, that has objectives 1)To study an application of the four principles of sagahavatthu to the performance of personnell attached to sub-district municipalities in Tawat Buri district, Roi Et province. 2)To compare an application of the four principles of sagahavatthu to the performance of personal attached to sub-district municipalities in Tawat Buri district, Roi Et province with differences of gender, age and level of education   3)To compile the suggestions about application of the four principles of sagahavatthu to the performance of personnel attached to sub-district municipalities in Tawat Buri district, Roi Et province. Samples used in research are personnel attached to sub-district municipalities in Tawat Buri district, Roi Et province from 5 municipalities include the population 431 people define the samples b using formula of  Taro Yamane, Samples 207 people and research tool is the query scale estimates the five levels, There’s reliability is 0.92. The statistics based on data analysis include frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and inferential statistics that using the t-test and One-way ANOVA(F–test)

       The research found that 1) Generally, an application of the four principles of sagahavatthu to the performance of personnel attached to sub-district municipalities in Tawat Buri district, Roi Et province is elevated. Considering by aspects found that elevated in all of three parts, from heist mean to lowest mean is the performance to people, the performance to colleague and the performance to themselves.                     2) Hypothesis test results, that community in municipalities in Tawat Buri district, Roi Et province with differences of gender, age and level of education. There’s not different between aspects of applying   the four principles of sagahavatthu to the performance 3)The suggestions of this research from high frequency to low frequency, the first is realize that vacancy just defines the duties, doesn’t defines the classes, Personnel should be nice to colleague and performance their duties until other people accept their ability.

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How to Cite
เพ็งพล ป., & พิริยสิงห์ ร. (2018). An Application of the four Principles of Sagahavatthu to the Performance of Personnell Attached to Sub-District Municipalities in Tawat Buri District, Roi Et Province. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 8(2), 10–18. Retrieved from
Research Article


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