Development of Participatory Learning Activity Based on The Precepts under The Office of Khon Kean Primary Education Service Area 5

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พระมหาอนุพันธ์ อานนฺทเมธี (พรมชาลี)
ดร.สาคร มหาหิงค์
ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์ ดร.วิทยา ทองดี


           The aims of this survey research were: 1) to study the condition of the development of the participatory learning activity based on the Five Precepts of the teachers being affiliated with the Office of Khon Kaen Primary Education Service Area 5; 2) to study the ways to develop the mentioned activity of the teachers in the researched area. The population of this research included teachers and 183 of those were selected as the studied samples by the selection method of Yamane. The tools used in this study were a questionnaire and a learning achievement test. The obtained data were analyzed by the following statistics: Frequency, Percentage, Mean and Standard Deviation.

           The research results were as follows:

            The mean score of the development of the participatory learning activity in overall was at a high level. The scores of two studied aspects: usage and problems in learning and teaching management were at the moderate level. The development of the participatory learning activity based on the Five Precepts of the teachers met with the standard criterion. Comparing the learning achievement after using the learning package entitled ‘the development of the participatory learning activity based on the Five Precepts’, the scores seen in the posttest of the students were higher than that of the pretest (pretest score=18, posttest score=33) with the statistical significance level of 0.05. The mean value after using the learning package was 83.11, higher than the set criterion 80. This was consistent with the set hypothesis.

          The ways to develop the participatory learning activity based on the Five Precepts are that the lecturers with deep knowledge in the principles of the Five Precepts should be invited; the training activity integrated with the principles of the Five Precepts should be arranged for the teachers to promote and increase their skills for developing the participatory learning activity; the educational administrators should support the application of the Five Precepts integrated with learning and teaching activities to improve the learning achievement of the students.

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How to Cite
(พรมชาลี) พ. . อ., มหาหิงค์ ด., & ทองดี ผ. ด. (2019). Development of Participatory Learning Activity Based on The Precepts under The Office of Khon Kean Primary Education Service Area 5. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 8(2), 251–260. retrieved from
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