Participatory Educational Institution Administration of the Basic Education School Commission based on Sangahavatthu IV under the Office of Chaiyaphum Primary Education Service Area 1

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พระสมุห์ขวัญชัย ปญฺญาวโร (สาลารักษ์)
พระครูสโมธานเขตคณารักษ์ , ดร.
ดร.สุนทร สายคำ


           The aims of this research were: 1) to study the participation of the Basic Education School Commission under the Office of Chaiyaphum Primary Education Service Area 1 based on Sangahavatthu dhamma IV (Four bases of social solidarity; saṅgahavatthu-dhamma); 2) to study the ways to develop the participation of the Basic Education School Commission under the Office of Chaiyaphum Primary Education Service Area 1 based on Sangahavatthu dhamma IV; 3) to compare the participation of the Basic Education School Commission under the Office of Chaiyaphum Primary Education Service Area 1 based on Sangahavatthu dhamma IV. The samples of this research included 62 of the Basic Education School Commissions in Nong Bua Daeng district, Chaiyaphum province and 558 of the commission members. The tool used in this study was a rating scale questionnaire with its reliability value of 0.95. The statistics used in data analysis were: Frequency, Percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation, t-test (Independent Samples) and f-test (One Way ANOVA).    

           The research results are as follows:

           1. The mean score of the participation of the Basic Education School Commission under the Office of Chaiyaphum Primary Education Service Area 1 based on Sangahavatthu dhamma IV in overall was at a moderate level The mean scores of the studied aspects were at the moderate level; the highest can be seen in the aspect of ‘participatory academic administration based on Sangahavatthu dhamma followed by that of ‘participatory general affairs administration on Sangahavatthu dhamma, ‘participatory financial administration on Sangahavatthu dhamma and ‘participatory personnel administration on Sangahavatthu dhamma.

           2. Classified by the samples’ personal factors of their education (bachelor degree or higher), age (lower than 35, 36- 50, 51-more) and gender, the comparative mean scores in both overall and each studied aspects of the participation of the Basic Education School Commission under the Office of Chaiyaphum Primary Education Service Area 1 based on Sangahavatthu dhamma IV were different with the statistical significance level at .01. This accepted the set hypothesis.

          3. The ways to develop the participation of the Basic Education School Commission under the Office of Chaiyaphum Primary Education Service Area 1 based on Sangahavatthu dhamma IV were that a seminar to create morale and encouragement for personnel in the school should be arranged to pay attention to the performance of duties, the administrators should fully support the performance of teachers in schools in order to achieve morale in the work and school administrators and teachers should create a teaching environment like to be a good friend in order to create a good attitude towards students' learning, the administrators should participate in determining activities to reflect the opinions and work of educational institutions and communities, they should support the training for parents, students and teachers regularly and participate in activities to encourage students to see the importance of local wisdom and culture respectively.

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(สาลารักษ์) พ. . ป., , ดร. พ., & สายคำ ด. (2019). Participatory Educational Institution Administration of the Basic Education School Commission based on Sangahavatthu IV under the Office of Chaiyaphum Primary Education Service Area 1. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 8(2), 290–299. Retrieved from
Research Article


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