The Enhancement of Effective Learning of the Analytical Buddhist Studies Based on the Enquiry Method and Multimedia for Graduate Classes of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus

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พระมหาสากล สุภรเมธี
พระราชปริยัติวิมล , ดร.
พระครูธรรมภาณโกวิท , ดร.
พระครูวินัยธร ธรรมรัตน์ เขมธโร
พระใบฎีกานรินทร์ สีลเตโช
พระมหาใจสิงห์ สิริธมฺโม
จิราภรณ์ ผันสว่าง


           The objective of the research is to enhance learning effectiveness of the analytical Buddhist studies based on the enquiry method and multimedia for graduate classes in MBU Roi Et Campus. The graduate school students, totally 23 in number, are the target group, selected by means of specific sampling. The research tools consist of learning plan, questionnaire and observation form.

           The research results showed that the 5E’s of the enquiry learning method, i.e., (1) Engage, (2) Explore, (3) Explain, (4) Elaborate and (5) Evaluate, that are used in cooperation with the multimedia, were found to enhance the learning effectiveness of the graduate students to be higher in terms of scores of the post-test than those of the pre-test with the statistically significant difference at .05.

          Moreover, it was found that the learning atmosphere became the incentive activating the learners to seek knowledge via multimedia, and in the process of making the learning atmosphere, both teachers and students, could play the important roles with the former as leader and the latter as companion, thus resulting in the variety of  the classroom atmosphere.

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สุภรเมธี พ., , ดร. พ., , ดร. พ., เขมธโร พ. ธ., สีลเตโช พ., สิริธมฺโม พ., & ผันสว่าง จ. (2019). The Enhancement of Effective Learning of the Analytical Buddhist Studies Based on the Enquiry Method and Multimedia for Graduate Classes of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 8(2), 383–390. Retrieved from
Research Article


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