Successful Model for the Management of Power Development Fund in the North Eastern Region

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Ariya Hoonwongsa
Pakdee Phosing
Yupaporn Yupas


         The objectives of the research article were 1) to study the component and successful indicator/s of Power Development Fund in the North Eastern Region 2) to establishment of contingency of successful model on Power Development Fund in the North Eastern Region and 3) to evaluation on competent model of Power Development Fund in North Eastern Region. The sample consisted of 530 persons. The research instrument was a questionnaire and interview. Statistics for data analysis were the mean, standard deviation, exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis.

           The research results were found that: 1. The successful component in administration of Power Development Fund derived from the analysis of the Exploratory Factor Analysis: EFA which resulted out 88 indicators from 99 indicators whilst the result of the Exploratory Factor Analysis obtained were 16 indicators. 2) The outcome of the Confirmatory Factor Analysis: CFA has revealed 4 theory components and 16 indicators. The 1st Component known as authority distribution which revealed 4 components. The 2nd Component known as constructing the Community Development Plan which has 4 indicators. The 3rd Component known as Corporation and Data Exchange which has 4 indicators. The 4th Components known as the Natural and Environments Restoration which has 4 indicators. 3) The outcome of Secondary Confirmatory Factor Analysis has revealed 16 indicators which were able to measure the successful model of Power Development Fund in the North Eastern Region. Furthermore and by far recommendations are therefore proposed in this dissertation to expand the scope of every indicator which has significant statistic value at .01 level consist of 4 components which can be demonstrated known as Factor Loading accordingly as follow 1)Authority Distribution 2) Natural and Environment Restoration 3) Implementing Community Development Plan and 4) Corporation and Data Exchange which resulted in Factor Loading per as equivalent to 0.784, 0.773, 0.644 and 0.548 respectively. There are indicators of correlation and moderate comingle between models and visible data with the Construct Validity equivalent to χ2 = 3.479, df = 3, P-Value = 0.119, CFI = 0.979, TLI = 0.965, RMSEA = 0.031, SRMR = 0.011, χ2/df = 1.159<2 which were reconciled with all Rules set and Construct Reliability outcome per as 0.986.

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How to Cite
Hoonwongsa, A., Phosing, P., & Yupas, Y. (2020). Successful Model for the Management of Power Development Fund in the North Eastern Region. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 10(1), 226–237. Retrieved from
Research Article


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