The Effects of 7Es Learning Cycle Supplemented with Predict–Observe–Explain Technique on Biology Achievement and Science Process Skill of Matthayoumsuksa 5 Students

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Narisara Ocharos
Chatchai Muangpatom
Pattawan Narjaikaew


         The objectives of the research article were to study and compare Matthayomsuksa 5students’Biology achievement andscience process skills achievement that received activity learning through the 7Es learning cycle supplemented with Predict-Observe-Explain technique before and after learning.  The One Group Pretest-Posttest Design was implemented in this study. The sample group consisted of 27 Matthayomsuksa 5. They were selected by Cluster Random Sampling. The instruments used in this research were the 7 Es learning cycle supplemented with Predict-Observe-Explain technique lesson plans; the Biology achievement test and science process skills achievement test. The collected data were statistically analyzed for mean, percentage, standard deviation Dependent Sample t-test and One Sample t-test.

         The results revealed that: 1.The Matthayomsuksa 5 students’ Biology achievement that received activity learning through the 7Es learning cycle supplemented with Predict-Observe-Explain technique,the mean score collected from post- Biology achievement test was significantly higher than those collected from pre- achievement  test at the .01 level and post- Biology achievement test higher than minimum criteria 75 percent. 2. The Matthayomsuksa 5 students’Biology achievement that received activity learning through the 7Es learning cycle supplemented with Predict-Observe-Explain technique, there is the science process skills achievement post- test score higher than pre-test score at significance level of .01 and the science process skills achievement post- test score

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How to Cite
Ocharos, N., Muangpatom, C., & Narjaikaew, P. (2020). The Effects of 7Es Learning Cycle Supplemented with Predict–Observe–Explain Technique on Biology Achievement and Science Process Skill of Matthayoumsuksa 5 Students. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 10(2), 106–117. Retrieved from
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