Strategic Management of Education in Kalasin Province

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Somwang Puntalee
Keson Thongsaen
Kritapat Polakram


          The objectives of the research article were to 1)study the potential of Kalasin province which is conducive to educational management in Kalasin Province. 2) develop the educational management strategy of Kalasin Province. This research is a descriptive research Combined with the concept of future research processes with Delphi technique, the target group are 47 experts, collecting data by in-depth interview with the target group seminar. The tools used were semi – open ended questionnaire and 5 level rating scale questionnaire. The statistics used were median and quartile range.

          The results of the research showed that: 1. The potential of the province of Kalasin Province which is conducive to the educational management of Kalasin Province consists of 7 factors which are 1) being a rural community, 2) having the intensity of arts, culture and agriculture. 3) The potential of the community is outstanding in Conservation and culture. 4) Convenient transportation. 5) There is water source for agriculture. 6) There are educational institutions that are ready to develop people at all levels. 7) There are important people in various professions that are wisdom and learning resources 2. Educational Management Strategy, Kalasin Province Utilize UMESPEC 7 Strategies include 1) Unique is preservation of arts and culture Local knowledge and Kalasin province identity. 2)Management is the efficiency of the educational management system. 3) Environmentally Is to create a quality of life that is environmentally friendly. 4)Stable is education for stability and sustainability. 5)Professional is develop and enhance teachers and education personnel to be professional. 6)Equal is to create equal educational opportunities and lifelong learning. 7) Competency is to develop the potential of learners to have competency and skills in the 21st century.

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How to Cite
Puntalee, S., Thongsaen, K., & Polakram, K. (2020). Strategic Management of Education in Kalasin Province. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 9(2), 658–669. Retrieved from
Research Article


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