The Development of Information Systems for Academic Administration in School under Roi Et Primary Educational Service Area Office 2

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Banlang Jarnkoon
Peerasak Worachat


          The objective of this research article were to 1) examine the recent state, 2)desired state and to develop the information systems for academic administration in school under Roi Et Primary Educational Service Area Office 2.  The study was separated into 2 phases included the first phase, investigation the recent state and desired state. The sample was 191 principal and teachers in school under Roi Et Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 which were chosen by stratified random sampling. The second phase was development of information systems for academic administration in school under Roi Et Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. The research tools were questionnaire, interview form, observation form and interview  form. The statistic used in this study was mean, standard deviation and Priority Need Index   

          The research result were found: 1. The recent state on the development of information systems for academic administration in school under Roi Et Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 was in the less level and the desired state was generally in the highest level. 2. The development of information systems for academic administration in school under Roi Et Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 initiated with using computers for information collecting, creating the information systems by Google Site Program for responding the performer needs with using the 5 steps of information systems development. The result of the first cycle suggested that it should be improved unanimously. The resolution started with system utilization, screen display system, data accessible determination because some users still could not use the information systems fluently, so they had to be trained. The development of second cycle was using strategies, supervision, monitoring and following up by observation, interview, and questionnaire to resolve information systems utilization including maintaining and verifying system for the author. The participants verified the systems related to the accuracy, effectiveness and utilization through supervision, monitoring, and manual consideration which result in the data processing, screen display of information systems and other parts utilization on the systems were efficient and effective. The according statement leaded to the participants were educated and also had skills in using the information systems for data collection and utilization as the objectives of systems development. The results of this development affected the information systems for academic administration in school under Roi Et Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 was accurate, effective, up to date and accessible quickly and comfortably.

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How to Cite
Jarnkoon, B., & Worachat, P. (2020). The Development of Information Systems for Academic Administration in School under Roi Et Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 9(2), 598–610. Retrieved from
Research Article


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