The Representation of Women in Popular Country Songs
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This research is a qualitative research aimed at studying female representation and the gender roles that appear in the song. The samples used in the research are songs about women singing by female singers. Between 2009 and 2018, 80 songs were played. The research instrument was a record form for analyzing the presentation of women's pictures. using Hall's concept and gender role analysis model in Country Songs.
The results showed that female representation in the song had 5 images instead of 1) images of women who dare to challenge mainstream culture, 2) images of women who expressed sexual behavior openly, 3) images of secondary or adulterous women, 4) images of women choosing a partner, and 5) images of women who had a taste for sex, drinking alcohol, and 4) images of women who had a taste for sex, and 5) images of women who had a taste for sex, 3) images of women who were secondary or adultery. When studying the gender roles of mistress in the song, the field-based song found that there were three roles: 1) the role of a brave woman behaving outside the box, 2) a wife's role, and 3) the role of a sexual object, the study of the female image and the gender role of a woman in a field song, resulting in a new understanding of femininity, the use of literary space for literature, music, children's music, and negotiating the meaning of women who differ from their original beliefs, to see the power of the ball music as a field of effective social media.
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