The Role of Buddhist Monks and Human Capital Development to Thailand 4.0

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Phra Boonpen Sittivongsa
Phra Rattaphong Singsathon
Sanchai Promsit
Mongkol Srisaeng


         The Objectives of the research article were to 1) study the role of Buddhist monks and human capital development to Thailand 4.0 and 2) compare the role of Buddhist monks and human capital development to Thailand 4.0Is a pragmatic research Sample group is Monks live in the administrative district of Wang Sam Mo district. Udon Thani Province consisting of 6 sub-districts, 72 villages, totaling 248 subjects. The instrument used for data collection is a scale questionnaire of 5 levels. The questionnaire had the value of confidence in the whole version equal to .96 and the issues with the role of discrimination between .34 and .79. And one-way analysis of variance.                   

          The results showed that 1)The role of Buddhist monks and the development of human capital into Thailand 4.0 in the administrative district of Wang Sam Mo District Udon Thani Province. The overall picture was at a high level. When considering each aspect Found that it was at a high level in all aspects Sort the average from descending to the moral aspect. The rule of law Participation The main aspect of transparency Responsibility Worthiness 2)The comparing the roles of Buddhist monks and human capital development At different ages About the role of monks and human capital development to Thailand 4.0 in the administrative district of Wang Sam Mo District Udon Thani Province Overall and each aspect was not different.

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How to Cite
Sittivongsa, P. B., Singsathon, P. R., Promsit, S., & Srisaeng, M. (2019). The Role of Buddhist Monks and Human Capital Development to Thailand 4.0. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 9(1), 95–102. Retrieved from
Research Article


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